Monday, February 28, 2011

Barquito, Like Mexican Pizza


Hi I was just look up in the DM to see if the new P2 line is already, and YES it was there:)
I have considered long because I really try not lately more to spend so much money.

but I could not do otherwise ... I have taken the

P2 Lipstick - Walk of Fame
when I applied it just the first time I've had more but not at all soo excited because it is pink but when I thought: \\ and Pink makes you know, yellow teeth, and especially the I feel here.
not know if he so fürn daily is suitable. views see: \\

addition, a crackling top coat was allowed in black with (you can get some time)
and a new coat of Turquoise I liked Supergut, 580 Funky (I lieeeebe everything is blue \u0026lt;3)
If both today evening to try the same together and show you!

The new p2 paints are a bit angular than the old ones, like me, but good:)

also was allowed to have such a "binding Jar" with, have you shcon determined seen on other blogs! ! It had
leo so I could not pass because I know that appointment, I still do not ^ ^
oooh such a nice leo \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3 you already have

what in the new assortment dusted??


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