Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Oin Strok Signs And Symptoms

Dawanda for design and unique - a shopping mall - Marketplace

Dawanda - a shopsytem in an already existing marketplace.
Comparable symbolically with a shopping mail.
streams of visitors are attracted to one parent by advertising on the other by the Advertising Initiative ( example ) of individual shops.
Dawanda focuses on Unique, Handmade - away from the mass market of the special design.
Individual design as Artshirt4you is asked
Today, with more than 50 000 shops and over 100,000 products dawanda number 1 in Germany and among the 5 largest marketplace for sellers' handmade and unique design worldwide.
Just recently, hence the Dawanda team moved to a bigger office in Berlin and grew its team based on further.
Dawanda was founded in 2006 and is on the Internet - to success "on the basis of a clear niche focus. Shops offer in market places and with all product / unique provider (example Shop to grow).
Fees are aktzeptabel "Dawanda" charged 0.30 cent listing fee for each product to the sale or until the expiry in 4 months ago. at, for example 20 products are the only 6 € ....( example )
But you get this shop for free and overall advertising is included.
is sold out is the product being offered and a sales commission of 5% is payable. Of course, the product can then "set".
Our exclusive design provider ( artSHIRT ordering agency ) get these costs Ihrere own commission credited.
Nevertheless, this is cheap and a symbol of the Internet with a comparable rent in a shopping mall. As in the shop in a shopping mall, it depends on how many offers visitors the platform. Of course, we also stopped advertising themselves as to want to twitter or facebook for visitors to bring in this marketplace.
The shops are simple ( example) ...
The great example that the marketplace has been the model is the etsy shops with his English world leader in the design unique market and already has 1 million registered users is. Dawanda is on its way and begins to now also in France and England increasingly expanding. ( dawanda facebook community )
There are already emulators as is currently the basic version free " Network ( Shop example) ...
All in all, it shows the clear trend where does the shop industry, away from the individual single shop out to shop in the specific market place as well as in major shopping malls just.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Gnc Adderall Alternative

is the word of the year "tweet"

April 09: twitter 14 million user

added (source: / internet, graphic-bo)

called The Word of the Year "tweet"

On 8 January 2010, the American Dialect Society the term tweet to elected Word of the Year 2009

tweet tweet =

arose over the use of micro-blogging service .

Twitter is a service in which in total with 140 characters left, so a brief information posted can be sent and a self-built community of readers as a tweet (message) is displayed on its homepage. Coupled with a (link) can lead to streams of visitors, readers, opinions, friends, employees and customers.

Twitter can be for business To use if for example a shop ( Ex ) is at the center and one may deliberately present his offer. In the text we design is completely free zBsp. Look what it is nice here (link )

now offers the ability to follow this link and see what there is in fact related to "unusual".

Now you can even follow interesting news writers " follow me" and you can selectively "follower" to build, so people who like Twitter and follow a self. follow (Follow ) means that users subscribe to the news and speak to your homepage appear in future get.

This form of communication is free, and this offers an ideal advertising is not just tweet a shop but also offer as blog news (articles example) to post.

Dell, for example, was alone on Twitter in six months to implement more than 1 million even though the service is still very young. ( )

How to use specific tweet to Twitter with - customers (visitors shop) or employee ( here to get)?

are some basics:

  • Tweet have changed and seem interesting.

  • It takes follower all the more the better (depending on business)

the construction of an active Twitter accounts you can follow here follow an example please / artshirtdesign .. .. and see how this account from now enige one hundred users to more than 100 000 users gradually builds up ...


appear Twitter Part 2 ....

"How to build targeted follow at twitter to" subscribe single axle

free blog and read

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Donjoy Defiance Iii Ebay

Manjas trendy design Cats

Not only Animal lovers, especially people who like cats, here are a great Artwerk but anprechend and aesthetically are the shirts for everyone ( man ) or any ( woman ).

Manja Uhlig ( facebook ), this design sprout pad of

Dipl.Grafikdesigner Alexander Weiss ( Xing-Profile ) worldwide exclusive on.

Every whether from Australia, the United States or from Europe will now receive this beautifully crafted design on high-quality shirt models exclusively designed in a Artshirt4you ordering agency in Manja in the shop ... ( here )

customers at Manja in gold right hands.

Friendly, open and nice it comes to customer inquiries and requests for any personal use.

will soon do away with a Artshirt4you English - offer to purchase shop .

With much dedication and hard work resulting from this cult Design your own fan base.

If you also

interesieren for these unique pieces of Manja you looking forward to your first contact.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Motorbike Cake Templates

Artshirt4you ordering agency

developed by The Sonia Oquendo (Sonia OQ Fashion Company) and your husband "Artshirt4you" sales plan for your family produced in the "shirt line "is based almost entirely on a virtual distribution channel.
prospective buyers receive Artshirtbestell agency either as basis or as a partner Premium Partner centered on four design lines of selected exclusive designer Artworker stands.
this design line, it is more than social media and web 2.0 marketing measures such as zBsp. a facebook account be promulgated. For daily carry more than 3 billion people a shirt in this world.
For Artshirt4you ordering agency owner, this has the advantage that these designs can be ordered only in this ordering agency.
No other ordering agency, other agency partners order has the same design in the offer and thus, each individual partner has a global unique selling point "- a special exclusivity.
A the new partner for a position of a Artshirt4you ordering agency applies, there are two entry points.
either as a base partner, then you get a Premium Partner to help set aside. One can also apply directly as a base partner (here).
do you apply directly via email at Sonia Oquendo obtain a umfassede assistance to implement its Artshirt4you ordering agency. (
In the first step, an account is opened in an existing marketplace for handmade designs unique and exclusive. This is our first on

After opening and Registration of a shop is used to set its design lines. Visitors can now order and order directly. These charges are simply passed on to the headquarters and the purchase price after receipt by the customer for billing receipt minus 12% commission directly dependent on the premium partner.
So you have collected its base commission already even before the production / the work of the job directly to the customer can deliver.
A simple business starts by this virtual shop is advertised attractive and accomplished virtually.
listing fees that exists in the trading partner dawanda be credited to a trading account so that an agency order Artshirt4you a virtual and free way is a main business or a 2.Standbein operate.
more information or answers to questions shall be interested directly in the center of
skype: "artshirt4you"
or by mail:
or via the Facebook account of Sonia Oquendo ( here )

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

How To Connect The C65

market places on the net

(B ild)
J Eder knows it, everyone has done it yet - just in a cool Shop stumbled and pleasing pleasing "Shirt" seen and purchased.
Most are these "cool shops" in the marketplaces of large cities or in elaborate multi - Shopping malls .... with more or less high customer traffic
But more and more "cool shop" created on the web.
It tried every "cool web store" its own marketplace mitaufzubauen same.
There suchmaschienenoptimierte words, there are promotional tools and services to thousands of service providers and in the sea of billions of Internet users found best placed to be. Sure, everyone needs a store (shop) today on the Internet, the latest findings are alarming.
usual Internet users are sitting longer in front of the PC than they spend in front of shopping mall complex ad-supported TV shows or in the.

The willingness to buy on the Internet increases rapidly with the experience and habits.

The delivery services are booming internationally.

It is convenient, time saving and you can simultaneously do other things besides - the buying power in the "online shopping " has long been the usual standard.

But why not as "cool store owner" then a ready market place "a so-called virtual shopping mall " as in real life and use his shop to place there and also set up alone or in addition? can

Besides the advantages that many other products attract commonly users who come across it on their own product and it's great, yes matching find one can also take its existing and even new advertising strategies, which are also with his own lonely sea made the Internet shop can implement to target and inspire his audience.

Shopping malls in the network meantime, there are a large number. And there are different versions offer more and more applied.

But not all the same managed highly frequented or optimal.

We now want a smaller mail, which specializes in handmade unique items out and grab even imagine.

such an Internet marketplace - a so-called "shopping mall" is an example .

There is not found only cool "artSHIRT" such as under

but also jewelry, craft items, decorations, furniture and anything unique artisans, crafters, Small firms with innovations kreiieren and more to design and manufacture ....

The great thing for shop owners and providers of appropriate services to be offered the basic version of the shop is completely free ...

only premium versions with more comprehensive features and advertising placements for increased attention must be paid .... But enough to start the first basic version ... Who

this possibility, the range where it fits, does not use .... (???)

And registration is easy and simply done quickly. We will describe this in a subsequent review "shopping mall" in detail and publish our information and experience to do so.

But before you make yourself - your own picture and see - if there is something - that you personally like.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Cruising Gay In Abu Dhabi

What are artSHIRT?

artSHIRT are shirts that are designed with exclusive artwork and designs by skilled and creative designers.

These designs are individual and reflect the style and the intellectual property of the artistically creative people again. Designers working with
Sonia Oquendo this design idea works especially for "Artshirtfreunde" have sprout pad. This results in quality shirts made from 100% Pima cotton with different models (currently 36 and each month is a new section model added) small unique pieces, which feature the brand "Artshirt4you. ArtSHIRT vary by Design Design. Only one partner has selected artSHIRT the free worldwide license to sell a design. Our Artshirt4you ordering agencies work virtually. Thus, each agency has its own design in your order stores ...

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Cute About Me Profiles

Manja start your order Artshirt4you shop on dawanda

Manja Uhlig has your first order Shop at Artshirt4you www.dawanda .com/shop/manja1973

From Production team it was the design: "Cats" by designer Alexander Weiss for worldwide sales provided.
Orders can be placed for this design in the future only on "Manjas Artshirt4you ordering agency." This exclusive licensing provides a high-Vertrauensvorschus to the young entrepreneur dar.

Manja Uhlig will set up soon in the USA a further Artshirt4 you-order store with this design.