a trendy topic of the so-called Dynamics. Examples I have in a small video together. It's about splintering objects, mix liquids and realistic falling objects.
The term Dyn amic-effects in general physics simulations in computer graphics are grouped together. These include RBD, SBD and Liquids.
RBD (Rigid Body Dynamics) are simulations of colliding solids. The various objects interact according to their mass, shape, texture of the surface and kinetic energy.
SBD (Soft Body Dynamics) simulations of plastic objects. This means that the body deform during collisions. A popular application is the simulation of clothing (Cloth-Sim).
The term includes liquids, the simulation of fluids and flows, as occur in gas, smoke or fire. Typical applications include the swirling smoke and mist, mix liquids, Wave effects and fire.
Many of these effects were previously possible by other means. The strength of the dynamic effects are, however, the credible interaction of many objects. By other means that realism is often difficult to realize.
The examples of course, only a small part of possibilities made possible by Dynamics. There are many applications possible. Orgies of destruction to the substantive representation of materials with special properties.